MacPhail Website Redesign
MacPhail Website Redesign
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Whether public or private, K-12 or higher ed, educators today are being forced to disrupt their current models and completely reimagine how they educate students.
During times like these, having a strong brand can help guide organizations while they navigate change. Even schools, especially public schools.
Higher-ed, private and charter schools have by necessity, developed strong brand identities in order to attract students. Public schools, however, haven’t traditionally thought of themselves as brands, but this is changing as they fight to retain students and families, teachers and staff..
After many years of successfully helping Fortune 1000 companies create and build iconic brands, and seeing the positive impact our branding work has had on Hopkins Public Schools, we are committed to using our expertise to help schools succeed by building more impactful education brands.
Learn more by reviewing our case study for Hopkins Public Schools below, or reading our identityWise article on “Education Branding | 6 Ways it Can Help Public Schools.”