Name in lights. The logo comes alive with vibrant color and a nod to Broadway.
The Solution Informed by research with key audiences, we developed a brand strategy to support the organization’s vision and promise to foster creative expression in a joyful way. After assessing the strength and equity of the organization’s name, a truncated version was chosen. “Lundstrum Performing Arts” leverages the founder’s heritage and offers elasticity for future growth opportunities. And Lundstrum Performing Arts’ messaging appeals to many types of students and families. From those who seek a fun outlet for creative expression to those with professional aspirations, all are welcome at Lundstrum Performing Arts.
The logo, designed with lights reminiscent of a theater marquis, tips its hat to Broadway. Vibrant color commands
attention and expresses positive energy. Strong sans serif typography shows the refined side of the brand personality.
Using performance imagery and floodlit patterns of color, the visual identity system puts students in the spotlight showing how they confidently thrive, in a caring, joyful community.

A real triple threat. Vivid and unified, the stationery system hits right on cue.

Supporting cast. Graphics woven throughout the website support key visuals and content that show Lundstrum Performing Arts is the place for creative expression.

Setting the stage. From registration materials to performance programs, the identity is consistent yet flexible and builds anticipation for the fun that is to come.

Take five. The identity has a cameo in everyday life moments.